Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Social Media has redeeming value

Images of motherhood and apple pie have both inspired me and eluded me. As the mother of two intelligent and now young adult men, I’ve had my share of fantasies. They were often of family gatherings, all of us seated at the kitchen table, competing in a friendly game of Risk or Scrabble. And of course, I’d let the kids win.


I’ve rarely succeeded in arranging this sort of event. When my family gathers these days they often seek stimulation from the tube and their computers (at the same time). I’ll admit it. We could all be sitting in the room together and resort to text messages to communicate. I should feel like a failure. I sort of do, except for the fact that they are both very solid citizens and I am exceeding proud of them.


Enough boasting. It seems that social media now offers me a way to have these gathering, even when we’re thousands of miles apart. It still seems silly. Impersonal. But it’s really not bad. The family has taken up the iPhone Ap called “Words with Friends”. It’s an online Scrabble game that seems to be bringing us together. I hear from my children more often now as they take their turn and I receive their automated text message that it’s now my move. I send them a chat message when they ruin my strategy, which happens quite often. I know how much smarter they are than I am. I’m being clobbered. I know when they are busy because they aren’t playing and I know a little more about how their brains work by how they play the game. It’s bringing us together in a new way and I’m addicted.


So, what has that got to do with this Holistic Marketing Blog? Well, each time I submit a move I am treated to an invitation to purchase diet supplements, prepaid debit cards, other aps, and I’m sure there is more to come. I can’t make another move until I deal with the ad. I’m so addicted, I’ll put up with it. A minor irritation. I wonder what subliminal effect these ads have on me, even when I choose to ignore them. I know these games have been happening for a while but this is the first time I’ve taken the time to engage. If my kids find another game to play – I’ll be there. And who knows what I may buy and never question why!





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